Monday, January 19, 2009

Right Heart Attitude

"You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures." James 4:3. It is really great and wonderful to be coming before God to pray but when we come before Him, are we doing it because of the relationship that we have with Him or is it a religious duty to fulfil?? Perhaps this is the reason why many prayer request has not been answered and you wonder why is it like that. Are you praying because your leaders are asking you to? Are your praying because you juz want from you? Are you praying so that you can gain?

How true it is that at times, I would just come with a "wanting list" for God and pray through it as if God is a supermarket and He would juz produce what i want. Of course, many of my wants didn't materialized. Ha. I realized that when we come before God, we need to have a right heart attitude and you will realized that other things will be settled so easily. Seek God first and all things will be added to you.

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