Is life easy or hard? It is definitely not easy to live life but live life to the fullest, live it without regret, live it positively, live it for yourself, live it for Jesus, live it with love, live it wonderfully, live it with your loved ones, live it radically, live it without escape, live it with joy,live it..... just live.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Take Responsibility
if you are in the wrong, take responsibility and stop justifying yourself.... Just say you are sorry and move on with life.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Be Serious!!
Was doing visitation when I received an sms from my leader that one of his kids has passed away, I was really shocked. It happened so suddenly. I was really sad and disheartened over the whole situation. It was like a wake up call for me. I really need to meet with all my leaders. Visitation is not a routine or a duty. It is a time for us to touch and transform lives, a time to build relationship with your children and their families. Don't take it lightly.
I remembered many years back that one of my kids passed away and the parents called me personally to inform me about it. You wouldn't know what happen tomorrow. Visit all of them as many as you can,,,, Don't think there are still time. There is no time.... It really coincide with my last entry that whatever you do, do it with all your might cos you can't do it when you died or even when others died.....
I remembered many years back that one of my kids passed away and the parents called me personally to inform me about it. You wouldn't know what happen tomorrow. Visit all of them as many as you can,,,, Don't think there are still time. There is no time.... It really coincide with my last entry that whatever you do, do it with all your might cos you can't do it when you died or even when others died.....
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Great Verse!!
'Whatever your hands finds to do, do it with all your might; for there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you are going." Hmmmm.... what more can I say? Don't wait till you died then you want to put in effort, cos it is now or never!
Is that a new word from the dictionary? No! it si juz two words combine into one, can you guess? Well I am not going to tell you!! Ha ha. I just want to say that I really enjoy the trip and the first place was awesomely cool and cold.. It seems like a trip to Europe. But of course, it was the fruitfulness and doors of opportunities that make the whole trip worthwhile. The second destination was different but equalling fun cos we manage to get cheap, cheap, cheap stuff. It was unbelievable how cheap it was compared to the price in Singapore. Just want to say to all of you out there!! WE HAVE BEEN AXED!! Sob.... I believe I am going to save a lot of money. Now talking about fruitfulness and doors of opportunities.
Time really flies!!
Wah! Time really flies!! In a twinkling of an eye, October is coming to an end. I really cannot believe that I have finished Children's Day which I talked about a while ago. Praise the Lord! I hit my target! Above and beyond. I really believe that it is God that brought me through this period of time to show me that He is indeed a faithful God. Last Sunday, Pst Kong preached about the 4th dimension of thinking, visiualising, confessing and believing in things that you want to come to pass. It juz reminds me of what God has done in my life and what I want to do in my life. I really can't wait to see what He is going to do. Life is full of challenges, it's not easy but with God in my vessel, I can smile at the storm.:)
Thursday, September 25, 2008
It's coming
Yes, it is coming and I thank God for all the things that He has done in my life. It has not been an easy month and somethings I really wonder if I am in the right place doing the right thing. I really did my best and I am still so far away. The only thing I can do now is to trust God and believe in His heart even when I cannot see His hands at work. I got to know myself more and others more too. At times, I feel that I am all alone fighting this battle, I felt misunderstood and being used. But I know it is juz a period of trials and tribulations. A trying period to test my attitude. I hope I can go through it... Only 5 more days... Give me the strength and tenacity to move on. I need you more.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
"I know your works. See, I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it; for you have a little strength, have kept My word and have not denied My name." Revelation 3:8
I was contemplating to turn to other verse cos I was really thinking how can any encouraging verse come from Revelation! Well, I decided to obey and wow! God really open my eyes!! it has not been an easy journey and I was just wandering how I can hit 840 for Children's Day. Now I have the answer. Let me have strength to carry on, your Word to keep me on and your name to push me on!
I was contemplating to turn to other verse cos I was really thinking how can any encouraging verse come from Revelation! Well, I decided to obey and wow! God really open my eyes!! it has not been an easy journey and I was just wandering how I can hit 840 for Children's Day. Now I have the answer. Let me have strength to carry on, your Word to keep me on and your name to push me on!
Boldness and Confidence
"in whom we have boldness and access with confidence through faith in Him." Ephesians 3:12
Yes, we can have boldness and confidence thru faith in HIM!! If I even tell anyone that I am by nature shy, everyone will laugh till they roll on the floor. But it is true!! I have stage fright and it is a challenge to me to stand there and preach!!! Boldness and confidence don't come easy... you have to get them by faith from Him! Ask of it and do what you need to do and yes, He will be there... Actually, He is our boldness and confidence!! Cool!
Yes, we can have boldness and confidence thru faith in HIM!! If I even tell anyone that I am by nature shy, everyone will laugh till they roll on the floor. But it is true!! I have stage fright and it is a challenge to me to stand there and preach!!! Boldness and confidence don't come easy... you have to get them by faith from Him! Ask of it and do what you need to do and yes, He will be there... Actually, He is our boldness and confidence!! Cool!
And David said to his son Solomon, "Be strong and of good courage, and do it; do not fear nor be dismayed, for the Lord God -my God - will be with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you, until you have finished all the work for the service of the house of the Lord. 1 Chronicles 28:20
This is the verse that is bringing me through this period of time. It is a trying period. One that cause me to wake up everyday wandering if I have done this and done that. One that causes me if I will meet the mark. One that causes me to wonder if it can be done. Amazingly, God gave me this verse and it really affirm all that I am doing. Do it! Do it! So Nike got their slogan from here! Just do it! Don't be afraid!! God is with you! till the end of my service for Him! and that is going to be a long long long time.
This is the verse that is bringing me through this period of time. It is a trying period. One that cause me to wake up everyday wandering if I have done this and done that. One that causes me if I will meet the mark. One that causes me to wonder if it can be done. Amazingly, God gave me this verse and it really affirm all that I am doing. Do it! Do it! So Nike got their slogan from here! Just do it! Don't be afraid!! God is with you! till the end of my service for Him! and that is going to be a long long long time.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Thank you all.
really want to thank all my leaders for fighting the good fight of faith with mme. I know I can be angry easily at times and have been quite unreasonable. However, I really believe in everyone of you and know that God can use you even more if you stretch yourselves more. I thank God for giving me leaders that are totally exciting to work with. Keep it up.
The end of a thing is better than its beginning; the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit. Do not hasten in your spirit to be angry, for anger rests in the bosom of fools. Ecc 7:8-9.
Thank you God that the ending is going to be better than the beginning. God, in the midst of all that is going on, let me learn to be patient and encouraging, not get angry easily over matters... I DON"T WANT TO BE A FOOL!!!
Thank you God that the ending is going to be better than the beginning. God, in the midst of all that is going on, let me learn to be patient and encouraging, not get angry easily over matters... I DON"T WANT TO BE A FOOL!!!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
My Favourite number
My favourite number now is 345!! That is right! If I can it, I can have it!! 345! 345! I love 345! I adore 345! i eat 345! I drink 345! I pray 345! I think 345! I eat 345! Lord, give me 345 kids for the month of September! With you, all things are possible!!!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Giving Up!
A hundred and one things to do and look into! Not being able to meet deadlines! No growth! Financial burdens! Financial Mismanagement! Children's Day Present! Teacher's Day Present! Plaque! Elective Banners! Leaders! Stress! God, I really want to give ministry, my job, my work, my family, my finances, my everything... Really I want to give up...I have come to the end of my road, there is really nothing I can do but to give up....... all to you God. Thank you for being my refuge, my strength, my comfort, my peace, my help in times of need. God, I give up all to you and when I do that, I can continue on in this race that I run. I will always remember your call "Let the children come for as such is the kingdom of heaven"
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
You Never Know How Much It Means
Dear, you never know how much it means when you help to bring my suit for me to Expo, you never know how much it means to aid me in my finances, you never know how much it means for the Precious Moment figurine that you gave me... thank you and I love you lots.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Eat, Shop and Laze...
Hong Kong is my next destination in the month of December. Went to Chinatown to check and compare prices. It definitely is not cheap. However, I need to make it happen!! Just so excited about going there with a group of friends. That is where all the fun begins!! Disneyland, Ocean Park, Madam Trussard, Victoria Peak, Ladies Street, Garden Street and lots more... Here I come!!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Why can't they be more C...... Why is it that the whole plan was a disaster....I am utterly disappointed by the whole thingie... All I want was to remember birthdays and celebrate it but... why can't YOU juz remember and make it happen...Don't you know that it is important to remember and celebrate people's birthday. it shows that you treasure and love them. I hope you learn and not make the same mistake..
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Just A Wafer
Friday, August 15, 2008
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Early in the Morning 6 o'clock..
Yap! That is the time I have been struggling to wake up for the past 5 days but I must say that I am getting use to it. Today is the fifth day of our morning prayer meeting and I must say it is getting exciting and interesting!! I feel that I can get into God's pressure easier and I have more things to pray about. Thank you God for just being there.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Now I know why the musical is such a success!! It is because our hearts were in unity to make it happen regardless of the obstacles that we faced!
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Behind the Scenes
Thank you.
Thank you God for allowing me to be involved in the musical. It allowed me to use my talent and be fruitful and productive.
Thank you Peiying, Gladys, Megan, Lizhen, Liping, Xyrelle, Ritz, Bess, Rachel, Alicia, Nick, Chenxi, Phani Pha, Darryl, Kymmy, Samuel for making the school scene so exciting and funny!
Thank you Adam, Samuel, Jonathan, David, Jacqueline, Pamela, Karuna, Myrah, Jason, Wendy, Jocelyn, Joyce, Wesley for making my day with all your funny antics and childlikeness. It can be really frustrating with all your nonsense at times but it was equally enjoyable.
Thank you Bernice, Faith, Meryl, Pearlin, Audrey, Faith, EJ, Nicolette, Tricia, Terrina, Jialing for makin your dream scene really being patient and creating a miracle in a short time.
Thank you Eccleshia, Natasha, Crystal, Kenneth, Joshua, Christian, John, Danielle and Lynn for going all out for this musical.
Thank you Sunshine singers and jesslyn, Though I didn't know all your names, you really make an impact in me by making it seems so easy to do all you are doing. You are really awesome!!
For all the children who are involved, it has been really tough on all of you for having to come for countless rehearsals, staying up late, waiting for the bus, being scolded by the teachers, being hungry, having to go to school, worrying your parents, dressing up according to what we want. I really admire all your courage and bravery for going through it despite being young. I believe that you too can make a difference in the lives of others. Most importantly, I saw the change in all of you. It really make me know that all that I do is worth it. You are all the best and I love you all!!
Thank you Wendy, Timothy, Gary, Eng Wee, Isaac, Raymond, Andrew, Shufen, Tracy, Keith, David, Jackie, Susan for showing me servanthood and humility. It was not easy making those bulky sets and we made lots of blunders but you met and gave your time and energy just to make it happen.
Thank you Adrian, Jevons, Janevy, Xinma, Eugene, Carol, Lingual for taking the time and effort to stand in the gap in the musical. Without you, the children wouldn't have parents, teachers, VP, doc, nurse and ice cream man. Ha Ha.
Thank you Connie, Joanna, Glordia, Lynn, Xinwei, Paul for the patience and help. It is great to be in this dream team!
Thank you Eileen, Huijun and the dressers for making the children beautiful!!
Thank you Chinling for making difference in the children's acting.
Thank you Jason for making all this happen and believing in our dreams! Of course, your wife for "lending" us you!
Thank you Beng and team for making the stage shine!
Thank you Joyce for making melodies to the stage.
Thank you Jia Qi for going all out for the sets.
Thank you Ms. Toh for allowing us to do things we can never do if we are out there.
Thank you my dearest wife for allowing me to stretch and fulfill my potential and dreams!!
Thank you Peiying, Gladys, Megan, Lizhen, Liping, Xyrelle, Ritz, Bess, Rachel, Alicia, Nick, Chenxi, Phani Pha, Darryl, Kymmy, Samuel for making the school scene so exciting and funny!
Thank you Adam, Samuel, Jonathan, David, Jacqueline, Pamela, Karuna, Myrah, Jason, Wendy, Jocelyn, Joyce, Wesley for making my day with all your funny antics and childlikeness. It can be really frustrating with all your nonsense at times but it was equally enjoyable.
Thank you Bernice, Faith, Meryl, Pearlin, Audrey, Faith, EJ, Nicolette, Tricia, Terrina, Jialing for makin your dream scene really being patient and creating a miracle in a short time.
Thank you Eccleshia, Natasha, Crystal, Kenneth, Joshua, Christian, John, Danielle and Lynn for going all out for this musical.
Thank you Sunshine singers and jesslyn, Though I didn't know all your names, you really make an impact in me by making it seems so easy to do all you are doing. You are really awesome!!
For all the children who are involved, it has been really tough on all of you for having to come for countless rehearsals, staying up late, waiting for the bus, being scolded by the teachers, being hungry, having to go to school, worrying your parents, dressing up according to what we want. I really admire all your courage and bravery for going through it despite being young. I believe that you too can make a difference in the lives of others. Most importantly, I saw the change in all of you. It really make me know that all that I do is worth it. You are all the best and I love you all!!
Thank you Wendy, Timothy, Gary, Eng Wee, Isaac, Raymond, Andrew, Shufen, Tracy, Keith, David, Jackie, Susan for showing me servanthood and humility. It was not easy making those bulky sets and we made lots of blunders but you met and gave your time and energy just to make it happen.
Thank you Adrian, Jevons, Janevy, Xinma, Eugene, Carol, Lingual for taking the time and effort to stand in the gap in the musical. Without you, the children wouldn't have parents, teachers, VP, doc, nurse and ice cream man. Ha Ha.
Thank you Connie, Joanna, Glordia, Lynn, Xinwei, Paul for the patience and help. It is great to be in this dream team!
Thank you Eileen, Huijun and the dressers for making the children beautiful!!
Thank you Chinling for making difference in the children's acting.
Thank you Jason for making all this happen and believing in our dreams! Of course, your wife for "lending" us you!
Thank you Beng and team for making the stage shine!
Thank you Joyce for making melodies to the stage.
Thank you Jia Qi for going all out for the sets.
Thank you Ms. Toh for allowing us to do things we can never do if we are out there.
Thank you my dearest wife for allowing me to stretch and fulfill my potential and dreams!!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Countdown Reflection
12 more days to the musical and things are going on smooth (by faith!) The dancers are going on smoothly with their dance, just that they need to be more passionate and committed to it!! They need to give more energy to every single step made. They have to be of excellence!! However, I need to comment on their faithfulness in coming for rehearsals. I mean they are studying and yet they practice at home and some of them are getting tired. God grant them strength! I believe that they are the best that I can know!!
There are the food to feed the 5000, oops i mean the 120 people who are involved in the musical. God I pray that I will not burst budget!!! We need more money to do things like that! It is not that we have nothing to do ok! It is really an opportunity for the children to shine and show their potential. God provide us with the finances!!
Need to get the props ready by Friday.... really have no money and time to look into it. Maybe have to get my stage crew to start working.. If not, they think they are very free till the actual day.. Hmmm who should I get to do it? Gary? Tim? Eng Wee? Isaac? Shufen? Tracy? Andrew? Get the hint??? Call me and ask if I need help!!
I really admire my Pst namely Pst. Eileen cos she is really a woman of faith who trust and believe that God can do miracles for us!! She is so busy with the musical and yet she needs to look into so many projects. She must be tired, yet she has all the energy and capacity to do what God has given to her. I pray that God you will give her strength and protection! It is really an honour to serve her. If I were to choose again who to work for, it would be YOU!! Pst!! Love you lots for believing in me and accepting me as who I am.
The next person would be Connie. I don't know but she is the weirdest woman I even known! She is so meticulous about everything, which I really admire!! God mould me in this area!! She knows everything even though she is in the office for only 3 days per week. She is grumpy but funny or should I say funnily grumpy or grumpily funny??? Whatever!! Haha. Still it is great to have a colleague like her.
The good news is the tickets are all sold out!!! Praise the Lord!! Thank you Jesus!! Hallejujah!! God is really good. God, please make the musical a success. Amen
There are the food to feed the 5000, oops i mean the 120 people who are involved in the musical. God I pray that I will not burst budget!!! We need more money to do things like that! It is not that we have nothing to do ok! It is really an opportunity for the children to shine and show their potential. God provide us with the finances!!
Need to get the props ready by Friday.... really have no money and time to look into it. Maybe have to get my stage crew to start working.. If not, they think they are very free till the actual day.. Hmmm who should I get to do it? Gary? Tim? Eng Wee? Isaac? Shufen? Tracy? Andrew? Get the hint??? Call me and ask if I need help!!
I really admire my Pst namely Pst. Eileen cos she is really a woman of faith who trust and believe that God can do miracles for us!! She is so busy with the musical and yet she needs to look into so many projects. She must be tired, yet she has all the energy and capacity to do what God has given to her. I pray that God you will give her strength and protection! It is really an honour to serve her. If I were to choose again who to work for, it would be YOU!! Pst!! Love you lots for believing in me and accepting me as who I am.
The next person would be Connie. I don't know but she is the weirdest woman I even known! She is so meticulous about everything, which I really admire!! God mould me in this area!! She knows everything even though she is in the office for only 3 days per week. She is grumpy but funny or should I say funnily grumpy or grumpily funny??? Whatever!! Haha. Still it is great to have a colleague like her.
The good news is the tickets are all sold out!!! Praise the Lord!! Thank you Jesus!! Hallejujah!! God is really good. God, please make the musical a success. Amen
Monday, July 28, 2008
My dream
God really bring dreams to people at different kind of situation. Well, you know, I am kinda busy with the musical and has been calling and going to different dance studio all over Singapore just to find venues for the children to practice their dance. Substation, Dance on Us, Dance Arts, O School, Studio Wu, Talent House are just few of the places... After going to all these places, it kinda get me dreaming and believing that I can open an Art's house that houses classrooms that can be converted into dance studios or photography studios at the touch of the finger tip (of cos not literally lah). It would be good if it is 3 level high. So that the first floor is a cafe for people to mingle, chit chat and play games ( I love my friends!!) with a flea market for people to put their things to sell (anything lah but don't be lousy condition lah!). Then the 2nd and 3rd floor can be classrooms that you can conduct cell groups, tuition, art and craft etc that can be converted to dance studios (I repeat ah, but who cares!! haha) by pulling curtains that reveal full length mirror. I can charge CCH cheap cheap or even free!! I even want to have a business so that I can sponsor CCH for their weekly presents so that the children wouldn't get cheapo presents. Very sad one hor to see them getting small erasers or tibits because of budget constraits!! I really love and want to bless the children with my dreamzzzzzzz. Good nite!
2 more weeks to musical and there seems to be a hundred and one thing to do. Trying to be more organised now cos there are like one hundred and one thing to look into. National Day is coming and need to bring in more than one hundred and one and that is 188 children to be exact on a single Saturday. Well I believe that God will bring me thru the one hundred and one days and more before the year ends. This is because He has given to us more than one hundred and one promises (365 to be exact!!) to go thru our days. What is this 101 thingie about? Hahaha. I also don't know. Just feel like using this as a story to express my creativity. Maybe I should start drawing again... it has been a long time and I really want to get started. Maybe one hundred and one hours later. 101 rocks!!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
We are the Champions!!
Recently, heard the song "We are the Champions" on 星光大道 and it reminded me of the famous quote from Dr. Ed Cole. A champion is not someone who never fails but someone who never quits! Yes, in life, we will definitely face obstacles and failures but it is how we eventually handle it that is the most important. Have a spring in your life that will just bounce back and move on when things don't seems good. Don't quit! We still have a long road to go!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
God is my confidence!

Just excited about what is happening in Children's Church! We are having a musical in August!! But of course, with it comes the stressssssss....... But God is good!! Today, I read the bible in Proverbs 3:26 "For the Lord will be your confidence and will keep your foot from being caught!" Thank God for the confidence that He has given to me and He will not cause me to fall!! So watch out for the "Special" musical in 9th and 10th August!
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Hong Bao Party
It is the time of the year that thinga can be quite stressful.... How I wish that Chinese New Year can be 2 more weeks later... but the matter of the fact is... it isn't!! Asked God to give me a word before I go for visitation and saturation. In Isaiah 26:4, it says "Trust in the Lord forever, For in Yah, the Lord is everlasting strength." Wow!! It blew my mind!! I have to make the decision to trust in God forever because when I do that, He is my everlasting strength. I can't trust Him only when things are bad or down, I have to trust Him forever in good times and in bad times! The coolest part is He is my everlasting strength!! Hear it out!!! He is my everlasting strength!!! Amen!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Be Anxious....
"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, withthanksgiving, let your request be made known toGod; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through CHrist Jesus." Philippians4:6-7 says it all. It is amazing how God can encourage me thru this verse thru a sms I rec'd and I don't even know who the person is! But how true is the fact that we come before God in prayers and supplications and lift everything to HIm cause peace of God will reign not in my heart but in my mind also so that emotionally I am stable and mentally I am sound to carry on with the things in life. the last 3 words are amazing!! it says through Christ Jesus!! When we lean and depend on Him, Jesus will guard our hearts and mind. What a revelation to have!! Jesus I depend on you today.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Psalm 109:4
"In return for my love they are my accusers, But I give myself to prayer." This whole psalm is talking about a person being accused and his plea for judgement for the false accusations. Although I am not going thru such a situation, I feel that God is really reminding me to give myself to prayers. Maybe one day, I might be accused wrongly but in all situations, be it good or bad, I will lift my situation to you my Lord. Let it be that I will draw closer and closer to you every single day. My goal is just to experience you. God, I want to find you while you can be found and seek you while you are still near. Don't depart away from me and let your presence be with me through. Let everything that I do be out of love. Let love be the greatest aim in my lift.
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